I love Halloween. It's as simple as that; black cats, witches, and the feeling of magic all around make Halloween by absolute favorite holiday. Naturally then, Samhain would be my favorite Sabat and this year it was fantastic! The actual day itself was uber-busy (yes, uber). My best friend all through high school who I recently re-connected with drove to our home town for the weekend. Then I drove there to pick him up and carted him back to my college town. (By the way, big college towns are fantastic on Halloween and we saw some amazing costumes when we walked around downtown...) Had the ritual at my off-campus apartment and it was phenominal.
The ritual itself was fairly basic, and since I'm way too lazy to type out a step by step description of the actual ritual, you can read about it on Iolair's new blog With My Lantern Held Aloft. The link for his Samhain entry is here. I'd like to point out with pride that the whole concept for the title of his new blog came from our Samahin experience this year. We both love walking around at night in cloaks with lanterns as light sources....
/shameless promotion of a friends new blog
Anywho, I had a really fantastic Samhain, which marks a shift in my life back to the person I should be. I've begun to disassociate myself from the people who made my life agonizingly stressful and have started to reconnect with people I care deeply for who have welcomed me back with open arms. And isn't that just a great way to mark the new year?
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